The 'Wrappers': An Overview
Join this session to feel supported with each other's presence while we organise ourselves individually and get ready for the month to come.
'The key is to gather the past and invest it into the future' - Jim Rohn
In many ways, being a teacher - and being an adult - is about handling lots of mundane matters.
That's why good company matters so much.
There is something so pleasant and motivating about doing something as simple as decluttering that email inbox or pile of papers that you've been meaning to for ages - as long as you're with good company. It's all about what Ali Abdaal talks about in his book 'Feel Good Productivity' as 'Relational energy'.
After years of doing these sessions, I have come to understand it is not so much in the planning itself that you get peace of mind - life happens and may throw your month off course. Yet it is in the consideration of the details of your life where the magic really works in helping you feel more resilient when faced with inevitable trials and challenges.
Session flow:
Intro: Meet and greet (approx. 5-10 mins)
Part 1: Declutter (approx. 20 minutes)
We set a timer, set a goal, and go off to collectively declutter while I play some music
Regroup (approx. 5-10 minutes)
Part 2: Reflect & Plan (approx. 20 mins)
Select from any of the templates in this space to help you reflect on the month that has passed and to prepare for the new one to come. We do this solo and then regroup to discuss and reflect.
Regroup (approx. 5-10 minutes)
Part 3: Live guided meditation (approx. 20 mins)
We'll do a guided visualisation if the group
Regroup (approx. 5-10 minutes)
I allow two hours for this session as a group, but it may not always take the full two. In between each part we usually touch base and have a chat about things as we work through them.
No pressure to join - these are to be a regular fixture at Well Teachers and if you can't make one, you should always be able to find another.
If it sounds like you might find it helpful, do come along - see you there. ✨
How to Join
This is a member only event. To become a member of The Well, find out more here: