The best way to reach out is to contact me (Sumbella) directly.
You can send an email using the form on this page.
You can also reach out by WhatsApp, or on Social Media through LinkedIn and Instagram.
If you do not get a response, it is likely your method to reach out hasn’t come through or been received.
Please don’t sit wondering or feeling slighted. Many emails sometimes bounce or go to spam, and sometimes in places like Chitral communications can even be down for some time.
I do try to circulate LinkedIn comments with unusual diligence, so that may also be a way to connect.
One of the best ways to contact me is also in the Well Teachers open network forum, which I monitor daily.
However, this is a private forum and needs approval before joining. The link is below if this is preferable for you.
Do reach out again if a response doesn’t come back to you.
Well Teachers
Sumbella (Sumbal)